Welcome FB Group Electroculture Advanced
To assure continuity of our group, to assist our members, and to facilitate for an environment for folks to grow in knowledge and in life. We are Team⚡Electro, welcome home family.

Gardners, Farmers, Growers is who we are.
Electroculture is in demand, and we are the supply team. Our group is going to be the hub for this technology and growing industry.Today we are just group members, tomorrow we will be industry captains.
Our Products

Electroculture Antennas
We are at the cutting edge of this technology, but we also value the proven. Currently, we are establishing our center of operations for fabrication and distribution.

Everyone Loves Electroculture
It’s taking the world by storm, and we are the messengers. This is the ground floor for anyone wishing to begin a new journey.

What We Do
We meet with farmers, gardeners, growers to educate and introduce electroculture to the public. We are the only team that will retail electroculture antennas with measurable output, DC and Scalar. Our unique methods, propriatory technology, will stand out above others. Every concept we introduce at this point is patentable, and completely unique to our organization. Our very mission is unlike any commercial enterprise of the old parasitic world. We are the new world.

We Are A Tight Community
We are the shephards of the less fortunate, we are our brothers keepers. Our collective presence, our unified mission, and our passion to achieve a prosperous future for humanity is going to make waves in agriculture.

Word Wide Support
We are a large family, and we leave no one behind. We will help you get started where ever you are.

High Demand
Everyone is talking about electroculture, become an expert.

Join Our Team
Our mission is to become the prominent force of electroculture as it hits mainstream. We want to educate, and develop life long relationships.

What are people saying?
“G’day everyone. New to this type of thing. Been using permaculture for several years. I was looking into electromagnetism and levitation when I came across it. This rod came from an antenna cable and was my first attempt. The broccoli behind it has 13 heads growing. Strawberries are fruiting much earlier than usual. Cauliflower seedlings tripled in size overnight. Radishes are going nuts. Garlic is 10 times bigger than usual. Fully grown celery has started growing bigger
I have other rods around different gardens and am experimenting with different antennae. I’m looking forward to seeing what this group offers for advice and suggestions, as I tend to give my excess produce away to friends, family, neighbours and those less fortunate than myself. Looks like I’ll be helping more people from now on with this method.”
Member Sign Up
This is the ground floor, limited room for initial sign up. Let’s fill up my email server and get this party started.
You must confirm your sign up via the auto email, that is likely sitting in your spam folder. If you signed up, the confirmation email is there.

Jan Solej
Team Admin

Ema La Leona
Editing & Media Director

James Cassidy
Administrative Liason
Happy Members & Satisfied Customers

If you build they will come..

That’s right, not made in China. We will build them, you can build them. DIY or work as a team! We’re going to cover every aspect every transaction in house.

POS & Distribution
Our websites will have everything our team will ever need to complete a transaction, receive a contract, or begin an installation. 15 years in contract experience locally as well as UCC adherence.

Delivery & Installation
Service and Installation is where the bulk of team members compensation will be found. The PAE System and our many other products will require local installation and who better than the expert to assure it’s proper installation. You can do it, or higher a contractor, either way plenty of room for margins.
Get In Touch or Visit The Farm Anytime
We are outside all day gardening, tending to animals, caring for our land.
(973) 714-5972